Thursday 1 December 2016

Upside down jumpers and the KGB

I'd always put Trefor (deputy manager) down as being a quiet and reserved kind of a guy. That was until I spent an evening in the kitchen with him. It started fairly mildly at first, with Tref detailing his specific dislike of tartar sauce, or anything else that goes in a ramekin. But it soon escalated when later on he informed me, somewhat out of the blue, that he had never assassinated anyone in Johnny's Wood (out the back of the hostel). Trying to change the subject slightly, I asked him what his favourite movie was. With accompanying hand gestures, he explained that there was no way he could give an answer like that off the top of his head. But he clearly went away and thought about it, as when I saw him the next day he walked up to me, shrugged slightly, and said, "Die Hard." I'm beginning to wonder if he wasn't actually joking when he told me that he has been living in Borrowdale all these years hiding from the CIA and KGB. All thoughts of this were thrown from my mind though when Dave walked in looking for a plaster. He opened the box, had a search around, and then exclaimed loudly, "This is an excellent First Aid kit, it even contains a door wedge!" 

Life is the staff house is never dull, especially when Tref wanders through the lounge and treats Bianca and I to an impromptu rendition of Phantom of the Opera. He didn't stay to watch the film with us though because he was disappointed to hear that it had neither car chases nor aliens in it. Earlier in the afternoon Dave appeared, and as I glanced up at him I just had to ask, "have you put that jumper on upside down?" To me it looked like a double A rather than a W with a line through it. Dave laughed, but was clearly a little put out...."what are you trying to say? That I have an enormous neck?!" One thing is for sure, you can always count on Glen to lighten the mood. He had returned from walking up Blencathra, and had picked a few things up from the shops on his way back. I asked him how much I owed him for the milk, but was a little shocked by his reply. 
"Eight pounds." 
"Eight pounds, for milk?!"
"Yeeeeh, it was from a really good cow. And it's only actually a shot of milk. It wouldn't let me have four pints." 
"Ok. Well here's a pound, and I'll make the rest of it up to you in Knock Knock jokes." 

On the morning of my last shift, Chris asked me if I'd like to rearrange the drinks cupboard. I really don't think he could have given me a better job to do. But just as I was thinking that the day couldn't possibly get any better, the post arrived and Tref excitedly told me that we are one step closer to getting YHA themed bins for the hostel. Although my three week stint at Borrowdale has come to an end, it is thankfully only a temporary end. I'm taking two weeks off before returning as a volunteer. There are a couple of projects which I'm really looking forward to working on over the winter, not to mention my happiness at being able to spend more time with such lovely people, in such an incredible place. Big thanks to Chris for making all this possible. In the intervening weeks I will be spending a few days in Eskdale with Mick and Rachel (if Rachel can tear herself away from the delights of Egremont), and then up to Scotland to visit family.

1 comment:

  1. I will never get bored of reading your posts. They always make me smile, and conjure up such wickedly amusing imagery that I can almost imagine I am a fly on the wall.

    Many thanks for keeping sharing your adventures, I haven't commented as much as I should have, but each one has been read, and each enjoyed immensely.
